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Luna Parenting With Love

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My brand new astrology parenting services are now open!!


Are you ready to begin a beautiful journey of discovery for both parent and child? Then listen to my short video below where I explain the rationale behind this launch!



Subscribers!! Check your inbox for a 25% discount code. Limited availability!!

I’m so excited to announce that my article ‘Why Astrology is the perfect tool for parental support' is out today. First published in  ABC magazine Sussex, summer 2024 edition - Where I explore the basics of the natal chart and how I personally used this knowledge to help me understand my daughter on a deeper level. You can read it here


£40   Written PDF Report 

This would make a beautiful keepsake for your child to treasure, a baby shower gift or innovative birthday idea.  


In this written report I write about your child’s Sun, Moon and rising sign to help you better understand your child on a deeper level, whether you're a parent to a beloved newborn baby, energetic toddler or sassy tween who’s just finding their feet in the world. Learn about their sense of self (Sun), how they seek comfort (Moon) and their character and social personality (rising).


Ideal for ages 0-4, but can also be a great introduction to understanding your older child.


This is a written report which will be emailed to you on or before your chosen date.



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£100    60 minute consultation


A 60 minute reading, where I interpret your child’s natal chart, highlighting their potential needs, values, gifts and challenges in a gentle and compassionate manner. It’s a great way to illuminate their preferred communication styles, how they best learn effectively and their personal motivations.


You can also opt to add an extra 30 minutes, where I look at either the mother or father’s natal chart to help understand the synastry between parent and child, as well as your unique parenting style. 


This reading is ideal for ages 5-17. Any person 18+ years old would need to choose from my main services menu, which can be found here.


Click here to pay for this reading in 3 monthly payments. Today you will be charged  £33.33, then a payment of £33.33 will be taken on the same day for 2 months for a total of 3 payments (£99.99 total)

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