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Astrology Basics



1H-12H – This is shorthand for the houses, so, 1H is the 1st house, 2H is the 2nd house and so on. Each natal chart is divided into 12 houses and each house represents different life topics.


AC – The ascendent or rising sign is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon when you were born and represents our aura, persona, and outlook in life.


Angle – There are four main angles in a chart, which are very important: The AC – ascendant, IC – Imum Coeli, DC – descendant, MC – Medium Coeli.


Annual profections – A traditional Hellenistic timing technique that departs from your rising sign, moving one sign each year and signifies important life themes for the year ahead. It repeats on a 12-year cycle.


Aspect – When planets and angles are connected and interacting with each other through degrees, based on the natal chart being circular and divided into 360°.


Conjunction – This is when planets or a planet and an angle are very close to each other either by sign or degree and therefore have influence over each other, as their individual energies blend.


DC – The descendant sign sits exactly opposite the ascendant and is the sign that was setting on the western horizon when you were born. It represents other people and how you interact in your relationships.


Electional - Here is where a chart is elected for the most auspicious time to do something in the future. Common ventures are getting married, moving home, changing career, signing contracts, and starting a business. However, the chart can be elected for absolutely anything. The premise is that there are planets, houses and aspects that are more favourable than others, depending upon their positions in the sky at any given moment.


Horary - This branch of astrology is focused on asking a specific question, then casting a chart for the time the question was asked to look for answers. For example, a common question used in horary is “Where did I lose item X”? The chart of the moment may suggest that the item in question might be misplaced at a friend’s home.


IC – The Imum Coeli is found at the very bottom of the natal chart and represents our home, parents, family, heritage, and roots. It is our private world and inner sanctum. It is taken from the Latin meaning 'bottom of the sky'. It is directly opposite the MC.


Lunation phase - The moon goes through an 8-phase cycle every 27.5 days, which begins with the new moon. The full moon occurs approximately 14 days later. Each phase has a distinct feel and focus, that allows the energy to flow within our consciousness.


MC – The Medium Coeli or midheaven is found at the very top of the natal chart and represents our parents, life path, reputation, and public world. It is visible for all to see. It is taken from the Latin meaning 'middle of the sky'. It is directly opposite the IC.


Mundane - This kind of astrology looks at groups of people, historical and future world events by tracking transits and analysing cycles. The word mundane takes its name from the Roman word Mundus, meaning "the World" . Nations have birth charts too, for example the birth details for the USA are 4th July 1776 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Natal – Another word that means birth. The natal or birth chart is the snapshot of the sky at the exact moment you were born.


North Node – A point calculated by the moon’s movement through the sky as it crosses the ecliptic path of the sun. It is said to be karmic and signifies our life purpose and search for true meaning.


Opposition - When planets or points are 180° apart from each other and therefore directly oppose each other. This is said to be a hard aspect, as there is conflict, opposing ideas and way of doing things.


Progressed moon – An ancient symbolic timing technique that moves the moon forward one day past your birth for each year that passes and can signify how our personalities unfold over time.  As the moon moves relatively quickly, not only is the progressed moon sign and house significant, but also the progressed lunation phase it's in. 


Time Lord – Each year on your birthday you symbolically move around your natal chart, by one sign and house. The Time Lord is the planet that rules the sign and is said to be activated. This can only be calculated if your time of birth is known. For example, a Leo rising in a 5H year would have Sagittarius as the sign, and the Time Lord would therefore be Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius.


Transit – This is the daily tracking of all celestial bodies in the sky in relation to our natal chart. For example, if you’re a Cancer rising, when Mercury moves into the sign of Pisces, it will enter your 9th house. This is called a transit, which can affect your daily mood, as well as trigger larger life events. It is a very useful to map past, current and future moments.


Trine – When planets or points are 120° apart from each other. This is said to be the most positive aspect, as there is an ease of flow between the two and it is generally very harmonious and beneficial.


Secondary progressions – An ancient symbolic timing technique that moves each of the planets in your natal chart by one day. One day is equal to one year of life, meaning the first 90 days of your life represents 90 years.


Sextile - When planets or points are 60° apart from each other. This is quite a positive aspect; however, it’s not as passive as the trine and will take slightly more coaxing between the two.


South node - A point calculated by the moon’s movement through the sky as it crosses the ecliptic path of the sun. The South Node is exactly opposite the North Node and is said to be karmic, signifying our lessons learnt and our overdeveloped traits that we rely on.


Solar Return - The time the Sun returns to the exact same degree as your natal Sun, which can be a day either side of your actual birthday. This chart is called your Solar Return chart and is an excellent way to indicate what your year ahead will look like. This traditional timing technique is a very powerful tool used in predictive astrology.


Square - When planets or points are 90° apart from each other. This is said to be a hard aspect, as there is tension between the two, as they are coming from a place of differences. However, with effort and understanding, this can also be a rewarding and useful aspect, as there is the potential to learn from each other and grow.


Stellium - When three or more planets occupy the same sign or house in someone’s chart. This concentrated energy becomes a very prominent feature for the native, as the themes of those planets and house are emphasised.


The birth chart - This is your own personal astrological birth stamp of all the celestial bodies in the sky the moment you were born.  At that moment the planets occupied a specific place in the sky and in the zodiac, giving rise to the houses and the signs respectively. No one shares the exact same birth chart as you and that makes you unique and special! Look at the sample chart below to get an idea of what an astrological birth chart looks like.

Sun in Taurus in the 9th House (1).png
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